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Can't select any thing after I click the blue eye button

Yes, this will be fixed in the next update, sorry about that!


Really original idea, and lots of mechanics I don't think I have ever seen in other card games.  Great stuff!

Thank you! Lots more cards and new mechanics to come soon too


i LOVED IT its very wonderful 

THANK YOU! So are you


Wow, this is absurdly fun, and this is coming from a guy who *hates* regular blackjack! Will you be releasing this game on Android as well? This would be the ultimate on-the-go time-killer.


I hope so! Initial launch will be for PC/Mac/Linux but if that launch goes well I'd like to look at other platforms too

Do you plan to add an Intel Mac version perchance ? :((


Yes! I'm pretty sure it works already on Intel Mac, but Steam warns that it doesn't for some reason

Oh okay nice thanks !




This Teacher b-tch softlocked me with two library cards, neither of us can die, and she keeps healing, and healing, I hate her


Got XIII Death for the first time.  Was not disappointed.  


an endless mode feels like a must but at the same time, I feel like that's asking for too much. could we see a shop update? because it seems hard to believe that he only has the 8 worst cards in existence half the time. and loot boxes feel lackluster, spent 5000 chips on my best build and got nada special card, just suits and a valentines card

I plan to make some changes to the shop to make it a bit more interesting soon!


the game is so cool. As a fan of blackjack, seeing this game with so many new card possibilities delights me. Would you consider translating the game into different languages? I am French and some cards are difficult to understand

Yes, definitely plan to translate to multiple languages before full release


This is amazing! When I got to end of the demo I almost screamed out loud. Cant wait for the full game!

Thank you!! 


This was super fun! I wishlisted it on Steam so I can nab the full thing once it's out. Is there going to be an option to buy it on Itch and get a Steam code once it's available?


I'm not sure! I haven't sold anything on itch before so I'm not aware of the options. I'll do some research


Awesome! I prefer to buy on here because I like Itch's business model regarding devs getting to choose how much of a cut the website takes much better. (And it's reassuring to have a DRM-free copy in the unlikely case Steam ever goes under.)


Was extremely fun, I clicked the casino at the end of the dungeon but that was sadly the last of the demo. I'm looking forward to the full release!

Thank you! Did you try the Lounge as well?


As I type this I currently made it to the lounge then lost, I shall let you know when I beat the lounge.


Update I have beaten the lounge. All areas completed. :)

Well done!


Fantastic!  Very slick, great concept, great execution.  It really captures that elusive quality of addictiveness that makes for a great casual game.  The one criticism I have from the start is the long screen of text at the beginning -- my eyes aren't what they used to be.  I'd suggest extreme frugality with text (especially since the font itself is hard to read) and instead rely on some initial audio with options for player to quick reference any text pertaining to rules or nature of cards.  I can see you are probably shooting for a retro look with the choice of font but it is just too much effort to read.  I LOVE how you altered the cards and tweaked the standard Blackjack rules and the game is well balanced.  Your choice of music is spot on too and the animation and the tweening -- it's all spot on.  This is a game I will definitely support by purchasing on Steam.  

Thank you so much!

The wall of text at the start is a common criticism... I think I'll look at making changes there in this update or maybe the next one. 


Not to argue with Marc's very valid experience, but I personally liked the wall of text because it instantly told me I was getting a story campaign along with my casual gameplay; it was part of what drew me in. (I also play games like this on mute a lot of the time, so audio wouldn't do much for me personally without a visual signal/text.)

Maybe you could look into options to change the font so it's larger and easier to read if necessary for people with vision impairment? And/or have it so just one paragraph at a time appears on the screen in larger font and you click to continue.

Definitely intending to keep the story! Just looking to change the way it is presented


Easily one of the most unique and well executed indie games this year, do you have a planned price point on release? Just want to know cause ill definitely be buying this day one!

Aww thank you! That means so much to hear. 

Still lots on my list to add so I want to see how the fully featured version compares to other games in the genre before committing to a price!

(1 edit) (+2)

Memory card enables some very degenerate strategies, letting you continuously re-use powerful cards that burn themselves. Goes especially well with strategies that cycle their entire deck every round, which I always aim to build.

If you had enough memory cards and yellow cards; I wonder how the game would handle having an NPC who doesn't have any cards left in their deck to play?


I defeated him on that round, but if not I think he would have auto-busted every round after that :D


The next game the joke was on me and I was forced to auto-bust :(


I think his whole deck is only 3 cards, so after I doubled his 21 card and stole his ten, he busts every turn.


Life comes at you fast! 

(1 edit) (+2)

Do you think If the game is successful after launch, you will add a multiplayer aspect where you draft cards or get a random deck and duel against a random opponent or a friend?


It would be very cool, but it's a lot of work to add, I don't want to make any promises on that at this stage

(2 edits)

You might want to check out 1,000 Blank Cards and Dvorak (they're on Wikipedia). Hoyle makes blank-faced playing cards, you could put a deck together with some friends easily enough.

(1 edit) (+2)

I managed to do 192 damage in one play lmao

(I dont know if thats a lot but this is a really fun game)

That's a lot! Nice one

I did a combo with the devil and another tarot card that I forgot of and got really lucky with a 21


man i really really like this

i beat both paths and wishlisted on steam i cannot WAIT for the full game


Thank you so much! I'm working hard to build the rest of the game!


Really fun but theres a bug with terminate the tower where if you draw it then hide the cards you can choose, if you unhide the cards again you can't select them.

Thanks! I'm aware of this bug, will have it fixed for the next update


This game is great, I love the small references, tip heats is over-powered in end game


Thanks! Yes, Hearts are very reliable


Deck building blackjack is something I didnt know I needed. I cant stop playing this amazing game.


This game is awesome. Cant wait for it to come out. Are you planning to also release a version for mobile. Im currently playing this game on a web browser on my phone.


I hope so, depending on the success of the initial launch!


Am I supposed to be able to click on the grave card even when the other player has played it? Incredible if so, it almost never helps me to do it but it's still fun.

Yep! It's intentional and sometimes useful against the Decromancer to increase the damage you can deal to them


Great game so far! Super excited to see the final product.

The only thing I would suggest is maybe having a more readable font option available for accessibility in the full release?


Yes, I agree! Am expecting to include a couple of font options for those that struggle with this one

(1 edit) (+1)

I love this concept, would buy instantly.

By the way, in the demo I ran into an issue where I couldn't select a card for Break Limits while having 10 cards to choose from. This happened after trying to view the board then returning to the selection screen.


I'm working on that for the next update - I seem to have introduced some problems related to the peek button in my last update


Really fun game.

Would like to play the full game when it release

Deleted 209 days ago

skill issue. /j


more of a /hj since there ARE strats 

ik, just trying to not be rude

(1 edit)

Great game!

Reminds me a little of Robert Asprin's 'Dragon Poker' (from the novel 'Little Myth Marker' in his Myth series.)

I love the concept of playing a game vastly beyond one's ability to control it. But best of all, the devloper has managed to keep it fairly approachable and fun to play out different combinations!

The only issue I have is that this game plays more like a combination of Vingt-Et-Un and Blackjack (rather than strictly Blackjack).

I would offer a suggestion to the developer to encode and graph the various complications or system balancing will end up as an impossible task.


Discovered a bug. During a game, when the hit button is available, choose the pause option, and then rather than clicking “resume” or “quit”, click in the blank space where “hit” was. You’ll hear a sound as though the button was clicked, and then when you resume, the hit button will be disabled.

(Quitting and continuing is the only way I’ve found to recover from the bug.)

Thanks, a few people have reported this now. I need to do some work on this part of the game...

Clicking over any interactable that is not on the "new screen" causes the iteratable to be disabled, in some scenarios, it can also disable the ability to play. ex. Trump card (use) -> view prev. screen -> View deck | pretty sure that soft locks, don't know if you need an extra interaction once you view your deck


This is a super fun game! Can't wait to play more

Thanks! More updates coming soon!

Given the difficulty of obtaining the Old Baseball Card, I was really expecting it to be something powerful, rather than a card that has no effect at all.

It will be improved in the next release!


Really enjoying this!

The Bouncer is a great boss.


It doesn’t seem like the computer opponent takes Hall Pass into account: I just watched an opponent play Hall Pass (which should have shown them their next draw) and then play the next card which made them bust.

yes, the way the AI works is visible to the player, the only thing taken into account is their current total. 

They should probably make the AI smarter so that it could look into it's own deck and possibly stand if they have a sufficient chance of busting, but this would ruin their predictability. They could at least make it so that hall pass and stuff like that give them somewhat of an advantage, or make sure they don't make choices that guarantee they bust, like with official trump card.

I honestly wonder how stuff like using graveyard cards is decided.

The “scratch” card brought into play by “Terminate the Tower” doesn’t seem to have the same effect of increasing in value when more scratch cards are played.

They do, but it only buffs Scratches that have already been created. 

So a brand new Scratch created by Terminate the Tower will start with 3 damage, but will increase the damage of all currently existing Scratches by 2. 

Ah, interesting. I was expecting the buff to be “buff any future Scratch you use” rather than being attached to specific cards.

Is that an intentional design choice? Would it affect game balance to do otherwise?

It's intentional since it is the same way that Claw card in Slay the Spire (the reference for this card) works!

Using a sleeve on some special cards (e.g. “scratch”) doesn’t work the way I would have expected. I was hoping it’d be the equivalent of playing it at the start of each turn.


>Bring alucard health to 19 

>Alucard got blood donor card and heal to 52

>Tries to kill again

>Heal to full

>Get the lover valentine

>Finally about to kill

> Got valentine card and heal to full

COntext : The alucard got blood donor card to continueously heal to full and get the lover to get valentine card, which heals him for 14 +1 from the blood donor card, and heal him to 52 again.


Blackjack Challenge

1st :

Choose Spades

You can only choose a card that has value and a suit (Tarot included)

Go to : Flip a coin ; Head go to lounge, Tails go to Basement


Choose Clubs

You can only choose card without value

Go to Lounge


Choose diamond

Spend as less chips as possible

Go to : flip a coin ; Head go to basement, Tails go to lounge


Choose Heart

Always pick a negative value cards (Credit card included)

Go to basement

I just got a good build :(

The card you get from keeping a Baseball Card until it's old (Old Baseball Card) should start increasing in value or something like that, rather than just doing nothing. It's become collectable after all!


It will be improved in the next update!

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