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When I try to play from Firefox on desktop I get a firefox-UI popup saying:
Error: Couldn't load project data at path ".". Is the .pck file missing? If you've renamed the executable, the associated .pck file should also be renamed to match the executable's name (without the extension).

and the game window just says

indirect call to null

in what looks like Unity's UI.

I've tried allowing cookies from through uMatrix, which was the only thing it was blocking besides googletagmanager, but that didn't fix it even on a hard reload.



This could be a great mobile game, it would sell really well next to balatro. Any thoughts to giving that a go?


looks like its already on steam like balatro is lol


Any chance of selling the full version on Itch?

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Hey, weird question but how did you choose the decks of the opponent? Is it purely random or do you have templates from which the decks are chosen? 

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The developer has made the AI decks himself based on synergies and/or themes.
The Witch plays only big cards with 13 power and tries to shuffle them into your deck, which not only puts you at a disadvantage but also fits the theme of a witch (13 is an evil number). Alucard uses a hearts deck with a Blood Donor Card that heals him when he plays hearts cards, which also fits because he's gaining health by draining power from his cards like a vampire. 


Great Game!


hi dani :)


hell yeah dani the gambler 

Btw where is karlson ?


Stop talking about Karlson and let him simply say his opinion without mentioning it


Btw its not the real dani


Firstly, its not the real Dani. 

Secondly, PLEASE STOP TALKING ABOUT KARLSON AND LET DANI WORK ON IT. You are the type of person who forced him to leave YouTube


This Isnt the real dani 

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omg it's pixelpulse283

Deleted 72 days ago

he's pranking/impersonating

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You should totally consider a mobile port of the game for IOS and Android, I'd love to play it on the go :D


obra maestra, 10/10

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HOW exactly am i SUPPOSED to beat the bouncler


There are cards where it can set the opponent's limit to 20.





Incredibly fun!



I got a couple of cards


js a few




I got 2 upside-down death cards.




Love the game! could be very popular with streamers if you could make a co-op or multiplayer version!


What a great game!! Definitely adding to my wishlist.


I have beef with this witch dawg,................. HOW DO I KEEP LOSIJNG TO HER.................


I can not agree any less


Lol I js spammed 21 of nothing cards on her



What a good game man

I beat the game AGAIN.

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I got all the way to Sandy's Casino, but, sadly, I don't have the full game.


I made an account just to say I  hate how the dealer limits the length of the match  I had such a good run going too completely ruined my run and I could have  gotten around this too making it so the game could almost never end if I had just went and played the basement and not the lounge which  makes it useless 


bro its a demo thats the whole point.

Just the title was enough to get me hooked.

I came back after a freaking year, and dang this game has grown

This is great

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(i lose bet in rl last week)

bro i just got comboed


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with memory card, you can get a funny  run where if you remember booster pack, you can have 30 cards in your hand, and when paired with a good chip, you can get the most overpowered choices. this is also hilarious when you remember standard wheel of fortune (not upside down)


the best gambling game I ever played i think I will buy it, just play it, it's amazing, runs perfectly on my shity computer that barley runs itself, amazing sounds (make more music), THE BEAUTIFUL ART STYLE, i just love the tiny jokes (jackpot, chipmunk, etc). 

just one of the most perfect games I ever played 


I love illegally gambling..


Pretty fun to be honest. However, my only problem with the demo is that getting to the end doesn't count as a win, so the nothings deck and the glitched deck are both impossible to use. Other than that, the game no longer has any weird bugs, making it perfect.


i finally beat the demo need the full game p.s wizard beat my ass

FInally is back been waiting 4 months

i love illegally


Came to the comments before playing the game, this sounds like it's going to be awesome. "Degenerate gambling!" "The wizards got a stack of memory cards and beat my a--" "I think I broke the bouncer." 😂


I think my breaking limits card broke the bouncer

played him again, I stole his memory card with my library card so he was the easiest encounter ever

I just burned it, I think the only counter is just to make sure he can't use his cards.


the wizards got a stack of nothings and a memory card and just beat my ass

Amazing game thanks for bringing it back


There should be a card that switches you deck/ cards placed with the opponent's deck/ cards placed.


finally bro, i have been waiting for this to come back for too long!!


if this is a bug plz fix it cause I stayed locked and was forced to loose, if this is intentional... why?

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