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like other card rouge-like games I've played, there is a cheat where you can go to the main menu, and when you come back play the same round and know what cards will be drawn. (ie. the sequence of cards probably comes from a seed chosen at the start of the run and is not being decided during the round) 

useful cheat, use it wisely.

reload page to avoid unwanted consequences from coin flip.


Amazing but mainly addictive game haha. Blood donation card literally put me in a god mode... unless the bouncer took it form me with that-swapping-card. I took it back with the same card a round later though hehe. The only thing is - you can add a button to return back while choosing an event

When you say "a button to return back while choosing an event", do you mean a way to return to the main menu?

no, i meant returning to the previous choice 
choice 1: stay at night or have a drink
i choose have a drink
choice 2: beer or special drink
i don't like neither and wanna return and choose to stay at night


also can you please do it so that we can see somewhere how far we are from 21 like for exemple if I have 17 somewhere say 4 till bust or something could be usefull


that's called basic math


just count the empty dots, or do basic math if there is more than eight of them.


how tf is this game that fun omg I've been playing for 5 hrs


you have a winner here. great game and i replay it over and over


Very intriguing game that mixes D&D and blackjack.  I like it.

Deleted post

You're too kind! Thank you


love this game


I miss some reference to uno

(1 edit)

do you mean you don't understand it or you with they added it, because it exists!

how do 10,6 and 4=22 when nothing was played to change values

the values may have been temporally changed by your opponent in a previous hand.

the games is great i cant wait for the full release! :)


me beating the demo made me so mad ima just code it in scratch fr

no you aint

Deleted post

lol finally finished the demo


Did the game just update? Because I am absolutely loving the update. Also, for the guy below, I hit stand instead of RQ when I was against the Drunken, and it was a draw. We both had 0. That's also why I'm typing this right now, because I lost to misclicking.


Yep was just updated two days ago! Great to hear you are enjoying the new stuff. Here are the change notes if you are interested:


Thank you for continuous updates of the game! I love the various cards, and it adds depth to the standard gambling game of blackjack. The various suits changing the difficulty is fun, creating a bit of a skill ramp depending on how well you know the game. My favorite strategy is to go diamonds get XIII Death, counterfeit 3 cards to make them 10's, and just gather other helpful cards, like the memory card, and business cards, etc, and just slowly make your deck average 19-21. It's beautiful to get 5 straight blackjacks, and destroy the bots.

Thanks for playing!
The XIII Death -> all 10s and 11s strategy is very fun indeed

Why do you value business card so much? That's too chaotic for me and I ignore them as a trophy. First of all, you could be in the situation while all the enemies cards are too bad (for example, have value over 11). But even worse that after the cycle, your enemy could steal really valuable locked card, like ace of hearts from Empress. 

The newest update has made the game so much better! There's finally accurate descriptors for the difficulty a starting suit gives you, the chip prices are more balanced, and I love the new advantage mechanic!

Love where it's going!

Thank you! Great to hear that people are enjoying the Advantage and Unique Chip mechanics!


Tfw you lost the game by misclicking the button.

10/10, very dungeons, such gambling!

248 cards... yeah Lovers might be a bit game-breaking (also this fight is now completely unwinnable, help)

ikrrr. like i was just looking to see if anyone got over him goshhh how does one even beat him T-T

i just managed to beat him. my deck had three trump cards, a few half cards, a pi card, and the chili pepper. i also had the card from the tarot lady that's 17 points but heals your hp. if you pick the heart set of cards, using the chili pepper to use the trump card will regain the hp you lost from the  pepper as well as past hp you lost. i also had a few negative cards to counteract the tarot card so you'll still get the hp but it's less likely you'll bust. hope this helps! :)

not really, but the key to beating the bouncer is that you need to either mess with him, or deal damage out of turn.


This game is super addicting, love what you've done!

I ran into a bug where I drew the Dis-card as my first card of a round, leaving me with no cards that I could discard. I had to end my run since I couldnt leave the discard selection screen.

This bug is fixed in the new version of the game that went live today!





very fun and creative game. Naturally, i expect a slightly slower pace in the full release, because it gets confusing when a lot of mechanics are revealed suddenly. 10/10 would recommend


Amazing game, with such a great variety of cards! Looking forward to the official release!

(1 edit)

It's very interesting.  I wish the presentation was more clear; the cards are so small and shoved in a corner. The eyes aren't naturally drawn toward that direction. Most Blackjack games put the cards in front of you on the bottom of the screen.

I just felt confused with so many different odd cards so frequently, and then they also add tarot cards. I'd probably introduce new cards and concepts at a slower pace. Here, I felt every new card was going to mess me up, so I kept skipping to grab any.

Besides all that, this is a good game. You should be proud of it.


This game is awesome


Fantastic! Very fun


Could a Linux version be added to Steam?

With Proton compatibility mode it is not working!

Thank you!

Will have a Linux version soon, but I want to get controller support working first so that Steam Deck people can enjoy it fully


Cool concept! I really like this take on blackjack, and overall the sound, animation and everything is good.

I think the only thing for me is there is a readability issue.

It might be the text amount, font, or lack of symbols to know what cards do and I really gotta read the cards.

Maybe just a me problem haha.

don't worry i have the same problem

I agree, the font is not very readable at the moment, I intend to make some changes to it soon


Played a game. I like the basic idea, but the lack of any progression mechanic and the sheer randomness means I'd try it once or twice and lose interest. I'm not really the core audience for this kind of game, to be sure.


Hi! We played your game on stream and really enjoyed it!


Thank you!!

Hey Moss. If you would like help with the pixel art for the game, please reach out.


this is pretty cool! but man i suck at this game lol


I just loved it. It mixes blackjack with cool features. Brilliant game, I also liked the background music.

Thank you very much, the music is by Random Mind on YouTube if you want to check out more of their work:


Gee willikers I'm praying this gets an Android release. I need this game in my pocket! Regardless, wishlisted on steam too <3


Thanks! Steam will be the first release but I hope to work on mobile afterwards


I love it. So many stupid unexpected cards to completely return the game. Pretty literally too. Will wait patently to for the release! Thought of trying to expand on other card games like Poker? That Poker opponent made me remind of what it could look like.

Thank you! 
You should check out Balatro on Steam - it's a similar idea but with Poker instead of Blackjack


Nothing like it.Some cards are so chaotic that I think a 12 year old designed them. That's a compliment


Thanks hahahaha


Once I had a memory card and I set it to a negative 8 so I ended up with 10 negative 8 cards and always ended up making it to the end of my deck with a negative amount 


that's a run ender.


I could easily see myself getting lost in this game for hours! Health regenerate was a little slow since I didn't put any heart cards in my deck, but that is all about play style! Definitely keeping this one on my radar.


Great game! My one problem is that the enemy can really stack up on shield. One time, I had someone (the teacher I think) who had 130 shield.


I think it's fun, but is it possible to lose?


Yes, to answer your question it is ;-;


this was great! cant wait for the 6 more areas!

Thanks! Lots more got added to the current three areas in today's update as well

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