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Super cool. Very creative and fun to play. Nice work! 


great game. the most fun games are ones where i get a card that can burn cards from my own deck. if i don't die, i can build a deck where i can draw my entire deck without going over the limit

Good game. I'll add it to my wish list.

Deleted 200 days ago

I don't think it's a bug

oh yeah, right... it is mentioned in the devlog around v0.11...

(1 edit)

Great game! One request is a mode where you make your own deck to play against someone with their created deck or against harder enemies


you gotta be SO careful with some of these cards. pulled one that locks the opponent's first card in permanently. it was a 21 of spades. lol.


Idea: card that heals all damage but costs 3 advantage

scratch that: 5 advantage

nah but if you get the blue chip its really easy to rack up advantage I got over 10 advantage once

old baseball card is too good for this, probably something like on click heal 4 hp on discard burn would be better

fr every time you stand it gives advantage

got stuck on a loop and was at like 36 or smth


 I would recommend doing more with shields there are good combos with every starter except shields every starter deck works very well with other cards in the game (except for extra damage but extra damage is rather op) except for spades so it would be cool if you did more shield combos


Us the full version going to be sold on

(1 edit)

I died (laughing, not in the game) when I saw the 4 mana 7/7, also it is hysterical to use it to send the opponent over 21 using it, sabotage is funny


When the boss has a 21 of spades, but the 4 mana 7/7 and draw 2 cards save your a** and let you beat the demo


I just remembered about this meme right here

I think it could be an insane card to play, either discard a random card or draw a 25 of nothings


Just an extra note : XIII has no name. The "death" nickname is just coincidential because of the drawing on said card.


this plus luck be a landlord and gambling games are becoming actually good


The moon doesn't increase scratch damage


I can't stop playing this demo. I play it at least daily, alternating between going to the basement and the lounge. I wouldn't call myself good at the game, but I just can't get enough of it. You've created something incredible here. I've been playing it for a while, now, and I really love how you've improved everything gradually; the animations, the balance in the costs, changed the progression so we have a choice of where to go, ordered the suits from hardest to easiest, and I haven't seen a single change I dislike.

I have exactly one complaint, and it's that The Moon tarot is... iffy with cards that steal it. It's very balanced when it's under your control, but if an opponent steals it (like the Manager, who's right after the spot where you'd get it), then they get to deal triple damage to you and you can't see your own cards. I'm not sure if this is intended to display the innate treachery of The Moon tarot (if it is, then damn) or if it's just a glitch.

I also have exactly one suggestion: maybe some post-game challenge decks would be fun! An all-arcana deck run, a run where your bust limit is 19, an all-glitch card run, a run with a deck where your only cards are double-backed cards and reverse/business cards, etcetera. I think it would be fun!

Thanks again for this phenomenal demo, I can't wait for the full release.


this Moon behavior is completely intentional. I'm not sure whether it is meant to display the innate treachery, though.

Do you know if it's possible to work out what card you just drew by obsessively clicking your library/stock (deck) and noting what's not there anymore?


the world is so broken and i love it so much, please please dont nerf him!


just incase you needed a favorite tarot card for pure and utter chaos (the world plus 2 memory cards, each producing a memory card and then those memory cards producing the worlds and trap cards, ended the fight doing 3000 damage)

Idea: make  a  card that gives you 20 chips but lose 10 hearts


Man this is really cool game. Great stuff mate

That's cool man.  Relaxing and fun to play.  Like it.

May I recommend some "Night Of The Full Moon" Cards? Its a really fun mobile app and it has lots of effects I think that would fit here. (Specifically, theres a lot of cards that "draw" cards to your hand, which I think would be interesting in this game to give you more control on bringing cards to your playable hand)

epic, love it


This game is so cool I love it!


There is a famous card game called Three Kingdoms Kill, which has a card called "无懈可击(wuxiekeji)". The effect is to eliminate any effect produced by an opponent's card once. I think add this into game will make it very fun


Just read about it, that sounds like a really cool game - I'll have to try it some time!


If you're not adding this then I'll send u all to downwards



Value: 11

End of turn: If you can hit, add another AAAAAAAAAA to your play pile.

On bust limit exceed: This card's value becomes 1.


Is there going to be an option to save your progress in the full game?


It saves your progress through the floors during the current run if that's what you mean?


Really interesting roguelike, I'm tempted to adapt it into a physical game.


Finally finished demo. Beautiful game


Such a cool idea. I'd love to see this done with other well-known games.

Can't wait for the full release!


Thank you! Working hard to get it ready


does the collector use the cards that you refused after battles!?

He is supposed to but it's not working in this version, will be fixed in the next update

(2 edits) (+1)

really enjoy this game! I do think there should be a bit more use for chips though, since if you really optimize with stuff like diamonds, calamari game, or scratch cards, you can have a bunch of chips with nothing to spend it on. One idea I have is to be able to spend 300(or maybe more, not sure) chips to rig the coin during coin flip, letting you choose which side it will land on. Really excited for the full release!

Oh also does this version have different card odds than the steam one? I swear I get more special cards when playing the steam demo

There will be more uses for chips as the game goes on into the later floors!

It's the same game on both platforms - you must have just been unlucky!


XXI is so funny, this isn't blackjack anymore


Accidentally discovered that an early Blood Donor Card along with the Hearts for starting pack can and will make you wildly overpowered 😂


game was finished too soon D: I cant wait for release


Would love to play more for free rip, its so good and amazing with all the combos you can do!

Thanks! Working on next update to the demo now


old baseball card is gain ten advantage on play.


note: blood donor does not work on negative hearts.


Didn't know what to expect with this game but it turned out to be very fun. Kudos. I will be looking out for the full version.

maybe it should remove health?


how are opponents allowed to have negative chips? is the player allowed to have negative chips during a battle?


Yep, both are allowed! But the tavern will always collect on it's debts...

(1 edit) (+1)

what does "collect on it's debts" mean? is there some special interaction there?


like other card rouge-like games I've played, there is a cheat where you can go to the main menu, and when you come back play the same round and know what cards will be drawn. (ie. the sequence of cards probably comes from a seed chosen at the start of the run and is not being decided during the round) 

useful cheat, use it wisely.

reload page to avoid unwanted consequences from coin flip.

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